causal inference

Introduction to Causal Inference and Directed Acyclic Graphs

Lectures on Causality: Jonas Peters, Part 1

Causal Inference - Intro to Descriptive Statistics

A New Perspective on High-Dimensional Causal Inference

Causal Discovery | Inferring causality from observational data

Demo: Enabling end-to-end causal inference at scale

Regression Discontinuity Design and Instrumental Variables | Causal Inference in Data Science Part 4

4 - Causal Models

Adi Watzman: Causal Machine Learning – What’s in it for Data Scientists? | PyData Tel Aviv 2022

Causal Effects via Propensity Scores | Introduction & Python Code

Designing Research (The Effect: Videos on Causal Inference, Ep 1)

Confounding Example 1 - Causal Inference

The Logic of Instrumental Variables: Causal Inference Bootcamp

Ya Xu: Causal Inference Challenges in Industry: A perspective from experiences at LinkedIn

Causal Inference in Data Science From Prediction to Causation by Amit Sharma | DataEngConf NYC '16

Causal Inference in R: The Whole Game - Malcolm Barrett

Donald Rubin explains causal inference

posit::conf(2023) Workshop: Causal Inference with R

PyData Tel Aviv Meetup: Introduction to Causal Inference in Time Series Data - Shay Palachy

Average Treatment Effects: Causal Inference Bootcamp

Standardization - Causal Inference

Causal Inference is Hard (or how I learned to stop worrying and...) - Daniel Westreich

The DataHour:Causal Inference in Practice

Causality and (Graph) Neural Networks